Tuesday, 3 June 2014

WORDS on an EBB Tide

Work (paid and unpaid)... words that ceased to fit my world... that sense of turning inwards (positively and negatively)... shadows in the stillness... have all contrived to take my time and keep me away.

I have long learnt not to fear these fallow times; these times when words dry up... when you pick up a pen and it feels dry and lifeless. For I am dug from a world of ebb and flow; the tide, the sap, the sun's warmth. It is right and proper that those rhythms also pulse deep within me.

These spells are not to be feared - they are a part of us. They make us who we are. It is not as if I rely on words for my living...
No, my need to write is far more important than that.
I write because it reminds me how precious and beautiful it is to breathe.
I write because my heart would explode if I did not.

For awhile I haven't had the heart to open my blog and now that I have, I am touched beyond words (ironically) by the comments I find here.

I know the tide will turn and I will write again, for it feels as if my heart is so heavy with unborn words and with feelings that have no name. I want run up Windmill Hill and to take a broom and write in fire across the skies so that it will rain my heart down upon the woods and fields, and that the winds will find music to those words that lie mute and unformed in my soul.

The nestlings are beginning to flex their wings and I too share their joy of the early summer winds.


  1. So good to see a post from you! And yes, you are right in saying that these times should not be feared at all. They are indeed a part of who we are. I also like that you used the words "ebb and flow" - after all, we do that to, much like an ocean. Amazing post my friend.

    1. Thank you so much Keith. Yes there is something wonderful about this gentle rhythm that pulses through everything - once one has stopped trying to fight it of course!! :)

  2. I'm so happy to see your post! I hope you come back again soon, your blog is one I enjoy so much, for the simple delight of the way you put your words together. :)

    1. Thank you. Yes, I am hoping and planning to be able to come here a lot more often over the summer.

  3. Good to see you back ! I am your latest follower.....I was waiting for your post :-) I enjoyed your previous posts....you are a great writer....

    1. Thank you Athira and welcome. It is lovely to hear from you and thank you for following. I am always a little staggered when people actually *want* to read what I write!

  4. First of all, I am so glad to see you are back! Second of all, thanks for sharing such beautiful words that I can relate to. You are inspiring, my friend.

    1. It's lovely to hear from you Mandy - thank you. I'm looking forward to catching up on all the good things in your blog :)

  5. I whole heartedly agree. Good to see you back here again. I love your writing.

    1. Thank you Angela - I see from my blogfeed that you've been busy - I am looking forward to seeing all your wonderful masterpieces! :)))

  6. That is such a lovely thought. Thank you Yannis. I can't wait to catch up on all your words.

  7. Not only beautiful and heartfelt are these words and emotions, they are greatly inspiring .
    You put into words some of what I too have felt of late, and you gave it perspective and a serenity of sorts .
    Thank you .
    It is of course always delightful to find you here.

    1. It is really lovely to hear from you too, Willow. I think a number of people are going (or should that be 'growing') through similar times!

  8. I can totally relate! Creative writing differs from academic writing or work-related writing and it can be very hard to find the right words to express a thought or feeling or what have you...and it seems, the longer the distance between writing for fun the harder it is to get back into it; at least for me. But I am going to try to make the effort. It's been far too long since I've written for fun! I hope you will find the words, soon, to capture the essence of "YOU" so that you can return to blogging! Hugs

    1. Thank you so much Kelly. Yes writing for 'fun' is the key, isn't it? Sometimes, in the wrestle between heart and words it is so easy to forget that. Have fun and enjoy your dance with words Kelly - I look forward to reading them :)

  9. Beautiful expressed..I too feel the deep magic of creation..it is all that I am and all that I want to be..it is an honor to be both awake and asleep as it shifts, as the creational ebb and flow moves us through it's sacred-dream .. and surrender to it and become it..and yes when the well is dry it is crushing ....but then when it awakens again..it is hard not to be utterly amazed to be part of that pure-creation-magic in motion again!

    I know how you feel..( your heart would explode) and connect to that sacred preciousness you describe.
    Thanks always for you beauty!
    Happy to see you here again

    1. I love the way you write, Victoria. I can see things anew through your words :))

  10. "For I am dug from a world of ebb and flow" ... wow ... that line is such a comfort to me!

  11. "..it feels as is my heart is so heavy with unborn words and with feelings that have no name. I want run up Windmill Hill and to take a broom and write in fire across the skies so that it will rain my heart down upon the woods and fields, and that the winds will find music to those words that lie mute and unformed in my soul..."

    waiting at the top of that hill,
    plaiting grasses,
    ready to be burned by that fire with which you write

    1. Yes! Let's build tall ricks of grass to burn beneath the stars to step them dancing with the madness of summer and the intoxication of life!

  12. gosh, it's been an age!
    you've added some gems.

    yes to this....

    "Weed, it is you with your bad reputation that I love most. Teach me not to care what anyone has to say about me. Help me to be in the world for no purpose at all except for the joy of sunlight and rain. Keep me close to the edge, where everything wild begins"


For your voice is important... and words that are shared grow wings.