Saturday, 20 June 2015

And THE Cuckoo..

One of those mornings when the air is pearled with silver beads that lift and float with every movement; too full of light to fall to earth.   A sky of hammered pewter brushes the fresh-cut grass and swaddles the trees.   A myriad snails pebble the field; Fibonacci whirls like fossilised Catherine Wheels.   Jackdaws sing scat to the thrush's song; the avant-garde augmenting the lyric.    When the rain comes it is serpent soft, hissing through leaves of spearmint-green.   The dog-rose is in flower and the cuckoo has yet to change its tune.


  1. Oh I'm so glad you are back. It's a desert of words for me when you don't post for an age :(

    1. Aw, thank you Anita - that is such a lovely thing to say. Yes, sorry, it hasn't been easy getting on here recently, but I will be posting more soon :)

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Almost as if I were there. Lovely.

    1. Thank you, Mandy. I'm missing your words ;)
      *No pressure though!*

  4. Thank you Yannis - and warmest wishes to you and your family too

  5. Such poetry! I can imagine being right there - seeing, feeling, smelling, hearing.


For your voice is important... and words that are shared grow wings.